Friday, November 30, 2012 falls off

I have had this prosthesis for about a year now, and since I have gotten it I have had problems with it falling for my friends, this is quite normal, they are used to it. But the poor strangers I run into get freaked out when this happens. '

The first time this happened was about a year ago after school. My friend, Meagan, thought it would be a great idea to take my purse from me and run down the hallway with it. I chased her to the bathroom, where we ran into my other friend Elissa. Meagan and I were still running around, when I put my leg back to kick her, but instead of my leg coming into contact with her shin, I suddenly felt about 10 pounds lighter as I got caught off balance. I look down on the floor, and my leg is sitting there. At first I think "Daaang it. Oh friends should be used to me by now."
Until I hear the gasps and feel the stares of about four Freshman girls. 

Of course I felt bad for these poor girls, since they were young and small and still getting used to high school, when all of a sudden some freaks leg falls off. 

"Umm....Excuse me? Do you need this?" one of the girls asked, holding up my leg
"Yeah. I would say so..." I replied as I took my leg and popped it back on.

Here's another story since I haven't posted in a while:

If y'all remember correctly, I am my high schools mascot. So since I have had this problem with my leg falling off, it has come into my mascotting. So for our homecoming pep rally, I thought it would be a great idea to ask one of our teachers to's sort of a tradition between the mascot and this teacher to have a thing. Anyway, so I kneeled down with a big sign that said "HOMECOMING?!" while the teacher came out into the middle of the gym. Now most of the high schoolers know me, so they know I am in fact an amputee. But since it was our homecoming pep rally, we had all of the elementary schoolers there as well. Because I want to protect the minds of elementary schoolers, I try my best not to do anything with my leg around them because I don't want to freak them out. But since I was kneeling, when I tried to pop back up to escort my date out of the gym, I feel a "pop" and my leg start to slip off. Immediately, I think "Oh dear. These poor elementary kids...oh no no no!" Luckily, I was able to get it popped back on long enough to fix my leg on the side while no one was looking.  
"Hah. No one noticed right?" 
After the pep rally, many of my peers came up to me and asked me if my leg was having a malfunction during the pep rally....I still haven't lived that down. 

Luckily no elementary schoolers were far as I know. 

1 comment:

  1. I still have to laugh every time I read your response. Those poor, poor fish.
