Monday, January 7, 2013

"What if?"

Besides the fact that I am an amputee, I am, believe it or not, a normal person.  I can walk, run, cycle, ski.....crazy right?

It always amazes me that people don't realize that amputees really aren't these poor sad people who crawl around on their nubs being completely pitiful. It's sort of condescending really. For the past six years, I have gone on an Amputee Ski Trip with MD Anderson, and I went on another ski trip in 2010 with Scottish Rite (shout out to Amanda!!!).  When I first got my amputation I wasn't able to even stand up on skis, and now I am skiing blacks. (The most difficult/challenging terrain for those of you who don't know about skiing.) The attitude I always try to keep in mind is that I can do anything, and it has proven itself to be helpful for the past seven years.

After my amputation I wasn't sure what I was going to be able to do. I'm sure most amputees go through this...the "What if?"

"What if I'm not able to do this or that?"
"What if people don't like me anymore?"
"What if...."

If we base our lives on the "What if?" we are bound to hold ourselves back. I don't know who reads this blog, but here is what I want to say to all my readers:

To all new amputees:
I know that what you are going through is really hard. But don't live on "What if?" You can do anything that you want to do, and don't let anybody tell you differently. Doctors or friends can't make you not be able to do things.

To all other amputees:
Keep on keepin' on.  I know that there are tough times in the amputation, but as I just told the new amputees, don't hold yourself back. You are all special, and you can do anything any four-limbed person can do.

To all the four-limbers:
I don't want to say "Don't be hatin'." because I know that many of y'all aren't. But for those of you who think that amputees aren't able to do anything you can do, you are wrong. The only difference between us is that you have more limbs. I know many amputees, myself included, who do many sports, including skiing expert terrain. For those of you who have been encouraging and loving towards amputees, I truly want to thank you. Without your compassion, we wouldn't be the same.

I know it's been a while since I posted, and this post isn't really that amusing, but this was weighing on my heart, and I had to share it with you. Thank you for reading, and I hope that there is more to come, sooner rather than later!!!!

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