Thursday, December 19, 2013

Stuck in a Tree

Hello you lovely people you! I am so sorry that I have not written in....well...approximately 134 days. So here is what's going on in my life. It's my senior year of High School, and I have been busy busy busy! I gave up my mascot position to let someone else enjoy the fun of romping around in an eagle suit in 100 degree weather. I am taking fun classes, and boring classes. I'm the president of the Big Sister's Club at school, where an upperclassmen girl takes a Freshman girl under her wing and mentors her.....Oh! I was accepted to everywhere I applied to college! That's a plus! In the mean time, I have been applying for scholarships and whatnot.

I'm getting a new prosthesis! That's always fun. It's like Christmas, but better! Do any of you have a vacuum system? That's the type of leg I am getting, and I'm kind of nervous about having a different type of leg since I'm so used to the pin-lock system.

Ok so here's the fun stuff. I have discovered geocaching. For those of you who don't know what geocaching is, you have an app on your phone or tablet, and you can view where all the geocaches are. One will be in a tree or something, and there is a log in it and you write down that you were there, and if it's a larger geocache you can sometimes leave something behind. Yes, it sounds nerdy. Yes, it is nerdy. Yes, it is for people who have WAY too much time on their hands and nothing better to do. It has been so much fun though! However, I would not geocache if your prosthesis does not fit well. Here is why:

I was with two friends, and we were behind a wall in a really branchy area with trees and sticks and tons of bugs. I was looking for the geocache all over the place! So I thought that it may be in a tree. So I'm standing on a bunch of logs, trying to look up this tree to find this geocache. I finally find a good branch to step up on and get into the tree. Well, I step up and get on the branch (yay for upper body strength), and all of a sudden, I feel the all-to-familiar slip. My leg has fallen off. So now, I'm sitting up in a tree, with no leg. My friends are nowhere to be seen, and I was alone. To make things worse, there was no geocache in the tree. I call out to my friends, and they finally come around the corner. Of course, since my friends are so loving and caring, they just stand there, look at my leg, and look at me. Then they laugh. After about three minutes of my friends in hysterics, they finally retrieve my leg for me, and give it to me. I successfully get down from the tree. Of all places to be stuck without a leg, I never thought that a tree would be one of them. But then again, I am Emily, and too many unexpected things happen to me.

And we never found the geocache. :(

Well. That's the adventure of the geocache. There will probably be many more stories to come. I am sorry about not writing as often as I could, but hey, I'm a senior and doing important life impacting things.

OH! I've been meaning to do this for a while now. I'm on social media! If you want to follow me and hear about my daily shenanigans on a day to day basis, feel free to follow me on Twitter! @eparker95

And if you can't read, don't want to read, or just like pictures I'm also on Instagram! @pemily95

And now....the big one. This is a website where you can ask me a question, any question anonymously, and I will answer it within 24 hours.

One more thing. I told y'all I've been applying for scholarships and stuff. Well here's one of the big scholarships I applied for. It's a video! I hope y'all enjoy!


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