Thursday, August 1, 2013

Flying as an Amputee

Hello everyone! I hope that your summer is awesome. I have had a pretty adventurous summer so far, but alas, today marked the two week countdown until school starts back up. After I finished crying, I decided that I probably needed to update y'all! I have been thinking about a new post, and I thought "Hey. It's summertime. A lot of people travel!" So this post is about why traveling is such a pain.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE traveling. I have been very blessed to have the privilege to travel to several different places. I've been to England, France, all over the United States, and Canada. My family tries to get up to Canada every year for our family vacation. It's always nice weather up there, and the Canadian Rockies are absolutely gorgeous. So, of course, we went to Canada this year.

We got up and went to the airport VERY early in the morning. After dealing with some not-so-friendly United Airline Representatives, we of course had to go to security.

So as we all know, the TSA has gotten very uptight over these past few years. I am happy that they have such strict rules, and I love knowing that I am safe on an airplane. However, I can live without the attitude that they sometimes have. Also because of the rules, you either have to be porn-ified or molested if you make the beeper go off, so being an amputee with a metal stick as/inside your prosthesis it's gonna detect it and you are going to be sexually assaulted.

Since I don't like being touched by a complete stranger, I have just decided that it is much easier to take off my leg and let it go through the scanner. However, I always get in trouble when I do this. Some version of the following conversation happens:

Me: pops off leg 
TSA: What are you doing?! Put that back on!
Me: No, I'm fine. I would rather hop through than have the pat down.
TSA: You need to have the pat down!
Me: I don't want the pat down. Can I please hop through now?
TSA: lets me hop through  You know you don't have to do that. You can just deal with the pat down.
Me: I don't want the pat down. It's just an inconvenience. Thank you though.

After the cranky TSA lady finally calms down, I wait for my leg. The fun part about the lengthy process is watching the person's face who is manning the screen. When they see a leg come through, they always look extremely confused. It's the best! One of the perks of having one leg is getting to mess with the TSA agents.

Anyway, I finally get my leg back and I go on my way through the airport. Up until recently, I didn't realize I qualify for pre-boarding, soooo WINNING!  Seriously though. All amputees out there, USE IT. It's so amazing. Sometimes the flight attendants will give you a drink to enjoy while the plane is boarding.

After everyone is situated and as comfortable as possible, the flight takes off. (Unless you are flying United. Then you'll have to sit through an hour delay.)  I don't know if I'm the only one who has this problem, but my knee gets irritated after a couple of hours of sitting. If you know all your seat mates, it's fine to just pop off the prosthesis, but it's not really socially acceptable to pop it off next to a stranger.....anyway, the flight takes however long to get to its destination. That moment the pilot turns off the seatbelt sign, EVERYONE IN THE PLANE STANDS UP AT THE SAME TIME. Have you ever noticed that? It happens! Just watch. Then you have to go through the awkward line that takes a long time and you are really close to each other....then you get out into the terminal. Then you head off to your travels....and hopefully have a fun time.

I hope y'all enjoyed this post! Please feel free to comment and give any feedback that you wish!

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