Saturday, March 9, 2013

Leg in the Hall

I know....I know.....
I was supposed to write in at least once a week. But hey....I'm a high schooler.....things happen.

So here is a story that happened a couple of weeks ago. One of our teachers was gone for two days, so we were stuck watching a movie in class. By the way, Singin' in the Rain is a really good movie. We watched it twice in one week in different classes....

My friend, Morgan, decided that THIS WAS THE DAY she was going to take my leg and run away with it. I think she did it to see if she could set off the sub, (who was crazy) but I DEFINITELY did not have any part of that nonsense. Psh. Never....

Morgan had to leave class to go sing the national anthem at some event the elementary school was having. She has an amazing voice, and she had to go share it with the world I guess. So on her way out the door she takes my leg and runs off with it, above her head, outside the room. Everyone thought this was hilarious....until she didn't come back. It then dawned upon me that she had taken my leg and wouldn't be back until the next period. It would be very strange to hop halfway across the school, and crawling was definitely NOT an option.
Now, I go to a fairly small school, so pretty much everybody knows everybody. I would say 95% of the high school population know I'm an amputee, so it did not surprise me that someone sent me this picture:

Apparently, Morgan had left my leg outside the classroom. It was just chilliin' out there....I can only imagine the faces of those poor, poor fish walking by and seeing this leg randomly in the middle of the hall.

Anyway, one of my really good friends, Ashleigh, was an angel. She ran outside and grabbed my leg and came back into the room yelling "EMILY!!! I FOUND YOUR LEG!!!!"

The sub had no idea that any of this was going on.

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