Wednesday, May 8, 2013


My U.S. History class is in the middle of our final project before the end of the school year. The project is called "I Love the Decades". Each group is assigned a five year period. For the project you are required to make a video about the decade, including events, politics, and all the historical stuff. Then the fun part comes in. You also have to add in the movies and music of the decade as well.

My group of six was assigned 1971-1975. We did all of the historical stuff, then we started to add in the fun aspect of the project. Movies. Of course, when my group found out that the movie Jaws was made in 1975, they freaked out. After much begging and pleading, I finally agreed to be the victim of a shark attack.

Yeah. You can see where this is going.

When it is springtime in Texas, it starts to warm up. It had been in the 90s all week, so we decided that it would be a good week to film this shark attack scene at my friends house. However, the one day we decide to film the winds turned and it ended up being 60 degrees outside. (I know that's not cold for some people, but I am Texan.)

Anyway, we were able to get most of the group together, minus a couple of people. We were at Danielle's house, so she got dibs on playing the shark. Morgan (y'all have heard of her in previous posts) was my friend I was "sun tanning" with, and Ashleigh was filming.

We begin to film, and it is already pretty cold outside. Danielle gets in the pool, and starts to swim around in a shark floaty. Morgan and I are out on the side of the pool, tanning away, when suddenly my leg gets "eaten off"  I was not expecting this next part to happen.

When Danielle came and "bit my leg off" I got dragged into the pool. It was freezing. I started to flail and scream and shake and shiver. It made for a pretty great video, but the reaction you see is real. Not acting.

My friends are so loving and caring, and they wanted to help me with my moment of shock! Right after we filmed more of me in the pool, dying and getting eaten and whatnot.  By the end of the 20 minutes, my lips were blue, my nub was numb, and I couldn't feel my fingers. Finally, after warming up, we were able to get everything together.

Here are some screenshots of the video:

Me getting eaten 

Me dead

                                                   My reaction when I first hit the water

                                                              Me getting eaten again


  1. I love your blog. I'm not an amputee but I find your experiences hilarious. I'd love to meet you.

    1. I am glad that you are enjoying! Let me tell you....Being an amputee, and being a total klutz are two things that do NOT combine well at all.

      Hence the reason I fell into the pool, trip daily, and struggle to keep my leg on. ;)
